Friday, October 26, 2012

Twitter Politics

Recently I have become quite prolific at the Twitter phenomena. It has become the real time communication method of choice when you need or want to spread the word fast. It's commonly used for casual informational updates but this fall it has become the armchair activist best friend.

The Twitter jail is one downfall I have experienced - when Twitter limitations are reached for a certain time period. Then they basically make you go sit it out and wait for a period of time before they allow you to tweet some more. Kind of like being sent to your room. ?? You've been a bad girl, too much tweeting and now we're going to put you in Time - out.

I have seen also some people who seem like 'ok' people getting their twitter accounts suspended / or hacked. I have no idea what could be the reason for the former as they didn't really seem like the type person who would do something really bad like threaten or stalk anyone. But then again you never know.
Wondering how I tie this in with politics? I don't think I have ever been quite so  concerned about the outcome of an election nor so active online or otherwise in trying to help, promote or aide a cause. I find myself becoming a 'armchair activist'. Countless hours spent tweeting tid bits of news reports back and forth from other interested persons and news sources.  Twitter may actually cause a real impact on the outcome of the 2012 elections and possibly even be responsible for grass roots organization of protestors demanding an investigation and  possible impeachment of President Obama.

The sad or rather TRAGIC thing in the news is that our own President has been involved in what appears to be a scandelous cover-up of overwhelmingly shocking proportions.

Allegedly he sat watching real time video feed while the attack took place that  caused the death of our people on the ground there. Making it much worse is that they had requested help, and help was nearby.

The story is that our own President denied them aide resulting in the deaths of all present and then fabricated with the help of others this coverup blaming a film creator - as inciting the Muslims to riot. AS it turns out that was not the way it really happened.  Now Americans are calling for a investigation and requesting a possible Impeachment proceeding against the President. All of this just before our next Presidential election.

Some question if a sitting President can be tried for murder - well He could if found guilty be impeached, removed from his position and then tried in federal court. His actions appear intentional by the accounts of most news story's making the rounds - though that is yet to be fully proven therefore we will say that He is allegedly responsible for their deaths.

There are however many emails making the rounds through the news organizations and the internet which were 'allegedly' sent out in a desperate cry for help by the Ambassador and those with him on that fateful day.

IF it is true, that they requested help in plenty of time for it to arrive to protect them and IF the help was truly available in a location that could be sent quickly to assist them...... and IF it is true that President Obama denied them the help they requested then it would appear that He is responsible for their deaths, willfully responsible and that could possibly be tried as murder.

This is a very sad and tragic time especially for the families of those lost. But also for the American people who have had to bear the shame of a President so enamored of himself that he has no regard for the performance of his Presidential duties or our constitutional rights. (or that is the information we have received thus far from online news sources) which has yet to be fully proven however I must say that at this point I do personally believe  it to be true.

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