Sunday, October 21, 2012

America In Crisis - ELECTIONS 2012

So much has happened in the past 4 years and as I review it there is no way I could even place a 'Readers Digest Version' here. We are at the brink of disaster which so many of us hope & yes pray to stave off with a change in the Oval office.

Our countries credit report has been downgraded and rumors are it may happen again.
Our unemployment ratings have gone in a wild spin out of countrol and no hope in sight it seems.
Much worse than that is our national deficit, a disaster in and of it's self.

Our current leaderships response to these crisis has been to create something they referred to as a 'STIMULUS' which gave money away to people who really didn't need it and who had proved that they were not good money managers in the past. Their irresponsibility is what caused their dilemma in the first place.

A political rage is running through the land. Twitters tweeting by the thousands. Threats of riots from democrats if President Obama isn't re-elected. Intimidation tactics by bringing in the U.N. (or so rumors say) to observe and make sure there is no voter fraud. Since when are we under Marshall Law of the United Nations for a normal scheduled presidential election in the USA?

Christianity is not P.C. but it's perfectly okay for the President to appear in publications and news photos dressed as a islamic / muslim and wear his ring with the inscription 'there is no god but allah' or so I have read and seen photos being passed around on the internet.

Obamacare - Once touted as a medical insurance coverage for all people turns out is a device to bring a 'death panel' into power on whom would have the responsibility of deciding what medical care would be allowed based on their evaluation of the person's life and their ability to contribute productively to society.

In summary, President Obama the child of marxist parents has brought socialism to the whitehouse and they are fighting tooth and nail to keep their foot in the door. Presidential directives and executive orders being signed and put into law as fast as Obam's hand can sign his name. Are we allowed to know what he is signing into law? Or did he really create a executive order to make his executive orders and presidential initiatives unavailable to the public at large.

How do we get out of this mess? For it is indeed a mess.

We have a president who has no solutions and anything he has touched has caused more debts, less jobs and loss of lives. He has failed us miserably and yet, he asks, no demands to remain in office for four more years. Does he deserve this  prestigious position ? No, his job performance is dismal.

He does not attend the necessary meetings with staff. How many meetings with his JOBS committe has he actually attended? When foreign dignitaries request meetings He is too busy, performing comedy routines with TV personalities on talk shoes and comedy shows.

When our Ambassador pleads for help and more security - Obama's team says NO. and goes on to party without a thought for those dying. Yet he pretends he didnt know. If he did not know then someone needs to be fired. Someone on his staff is supposed to update the president DAILY if not HOURLY on national security  when its a life and death matter. WHO failed to bring this to his attention? OR if he knew why didnt he act in time? Where was the security for the Embassy / Consulate ?

We are in crisis. We need help.  Foreign UN Leaders have stepped up and told us not to elect Mitt Romney. Let us tell them what we think of them. Stand up for freedom, your right to speak and elect the President of YOUR choice.

Tell the UN to pack their bags and go home.
They are not wanted or needed.
We can handle our own elections.
Can you say AMEN ?

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