Monday, October 22, 2012

Presidential Debate Tonight

         Big Presidential debate tonight and I do plan to watch it. This one will be on the subject of foreign policy - Which although Romney has not had the opportunity yet to gain experience in foreign policy governing a nation

I don't expect that to be much of a problem considering Obama's dismal failure in all of his foreign policies. Doesn't take but a few minutes of reading the headlines these days to see that foreign policy is out of control and not being created in a way to benefit Americans.

In fact, Obama's foreign policy decisions are costing American lives and leaving America's allies in the lurch.
Who can count on us as a friend these days ? Praying God will intervene in this election and get America back on track with godly values.

Regardless of the outcome of tonight's debate my mind is made up. I can not and will not vote for Obama. I do feel that Romney has the best interests of the United States at heart and sincerely wants to see American succeed on every level.

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