Monday, October 22, 2012

Blog: UN Rep: Romney win would mean 'a democratic mandate for torture'

Blog: UN Rep: Romney win would mean 'a democratic mandate for torture'

This is ridiculous statement by this so called expert and in fact our election process is none of his business. We decide for ourselves who we want to govern us and we could care less what the rest of the world thinks about it. It is NOT their decision to make and the man should keep his mouth shut.  Considering the UN would not exist without the support of the United States I think they should be aware that we can withdraw our support and our financial support as well. IN fact many including myself wonder if we should do just that considering the UN seems to be made up more of enemies of the USA than neutral or allies these days.
Personally I think we need to work with our allies and let the UN be dissolved. I don't seem them as very productive as a whole, and a big waste of our tax dollars.

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