Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Shariah Law, The U.S. Constitution & Faith

I try to be considerate of other peoples beliefs, realizing that I don't have the 'corner on the market' of wisdom or truth. Every man's ways are right in his own eyes.
Knowing that, I proceed with caution.

On the subject of Shariah Law, and particularly as it relates to women, children, and those who do not wish to be or, are not Islamic; I would say that the establishment of Shariah Law in any civil court or any country as legal binding and punishable for not obeying is not only not a good idea, but does in fact deprive other citizens of the right to live their lives and practice their religious beliefs as they choose.

Having said all that, I would add that in the United States Of America the establishing of Shariah Law in any state, city, county, or in federal courts is a violation of the constitution of the United States Of America.

Specifically the First amendment The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights that prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances."

In the USA we are accustomed to attacks on public symbols of Christianity (which was the religion of the majority of our founding father's). But the politically correct police engage in fear-mongering toward anyone who speaks against any other religion (other than Christianity or Judaism) to the point that people fear of being accused of a hate crime or racism if they speak out the truth.

That truth being that the first amendment was not written and added to the constitution to prevent people in the USA from practicing public religion but to prevent the government being used to establish or force compliance with any one state approved religion or religions.

Therefore Shariah Law which is a prosecution and punishment 'arm' of the Islamic Faith, would be a violation of our first amendment rights.

This branch of Islam which promotes or requires compliance through Shariah Law is not a tolerant religion. They do not accept the right of people to choose a religion other than Islam. They do not accept the right of a person to decide for themselves on how they would dress in public. They do not accept the right of any adult human being to decide on their own if they would like to drink a alcoholic drink. They do not allow a person to decide for themselves if they will use birth control, and those whose interest in or participation in the 'gay lifestyle' should be particularly concerned as the punishment in Shariah Law for unrepentant and not ceasing homosexuality is death.

As a Christian, in religious views I do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle but I realize that God has given us all the freedom of choice to obey His word, or not and that I am not the one who will be anyone's judge on moral issues.

I am not throwing any stones, trust me.

But I do think it would be a grievous mistake with possible tragic results if the U.S.A, it's states, cities, districts and counties were to approve or in-act Shariah Law as a legal binding judicial arm in the USA capable of enforcing and decreeing punishment for not obeying the religious laws of Islam.

When you force other people to submit to the religious laws of any one religion or risk punishment including fines, beatings, mutilation and  or death I would say that there is no way a person can read the first amendment and NOT agree that establishing Shariah law in the USA would be a violation of every Americans constitutional rights.

Not only a violation of constitutional rights but of their HUMAN rights as well.

One only has to take a look on YouTube to see countless cases of people being harassed and bullied because of the way that they dress, or the lifestyle they live by those who believe it is their duty to enforce 'Shariah' law in other communities world wide.  Women whose testimonial value in court is only half of that of a man under Shariah Law. Seriously we have this mob mentality in 2013 where women are being abused, beaten, ostracized because a family member reports them for a violation of Shariah Law? Are we blind to what this would mean to the whole United States? The way you dress as you walk down the street passing by a mosque could suddenly get you attacked / bullied because someone deems your appearance as disrespectful or a violation of their religious beliefs.

Watch the videos and see for yourself. A picture is worth a thousand words.
This is not inflammatory - this is factual.

2 April 2013 2013 BREAKING NEWS - UK Sharia Law Muslim Patrol - End Time


 AND there's more... all you need do is go to YouTube and type in Shariah Law 2013 and you will see the most recent videos of these incidents as they were video taped.



I think a person's relationship with God is between that person and God and the religious organizations and the government are out of their proper place when they start punishing people on basis of religious compliance or  respect. 

 IF Islamist (or any religious peoples) want to worship in their own way that is between them and God but they should not be forcing their views on anyone else or punishing others for not believing the same as they do which then violates that human beings 'human rights.

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