Saturday, November 23, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
Baby it's cold outside
BRRRRRRR 30 degrees and sleeting - Yes it's cold outside.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Cumberland County Tennessee Student Resource officer overreacts.
Deputy Sheriff is a idiot, arrested parent - because he wanted to leave with his kid on time.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Senator Ted Cruz, Part 1 - The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Greta to Allen West: Has Obama defrauded Americans?
GRETA asks Allen West HAS Obama defrauded Americans?
THE answer is without a doubt, YES. He has perpetrated FRAUD on the American public. IMHO.
THE answer is without a doubt, YES. He has perpetrated FRAUD on the American public. IMHO.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
The FBI Murdered Journalist Michael Hastings Before He Reavealed New Gov...
Green Berets Warn Obama... Don't mess with the Second Amendment
Sheriffs Across U.S. Rise Up Against Obama Regime
A Colorado Sheriff Owns President Obama
BREAKING! Claim: Obama Hid His Gay Life To Become President! Documented...
Mia Marie Pope Oust Obama
Mia Marie Pope: Obama Went By Barry Soetoro; Says He Was Foreign Student
Brad Stine - The Wussification of America
We Say Toot
Brad Stine - Offended By The Truth
Orphans of God - Lauren Talley
Friday, October 25, 2013
front lines: Veterans Are Being Told: "We Don't Hire Your Kind"...
front lines: Veterans Are Being Told: "We Don't Hire Your Kind"...: Forbes - If you read my blog regularly, you’re well aware of my stance on corporations and some of the lackluster veteran hiring initiati...
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
Friday, July 19, 2013
Are Americans Right To Fear ?
In recent months as we have noted in past blogs and read in the news scandal after scandal in the Obama Administration.
Notably the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had came under extreme scrutiny due to the 'alleged' targeting of those who had opposing views to the Obama Administration.
The social issues are many and range from protecting our Bill Of Rights, guaranteed civil rights, and the U.S. Constitution.
Many Americans have always indicated they were uncomfortable with the government involved in the decision making of their medical care.
They were scoffed at, laughed at, ridiculed by persons in the left wing of the political spectrum. We read and heard them being called paranoid right wingers by various democratic / liberal 'talking heads' on television.
The question is are Americans right to fear the Obama administration or a government controlled health care system?
IF this precedent set by the U.S. Military is any indication then YES, Americans should be afraid, be very very afraid.
Fox News commentator Todd Starnes published this article regarding a young man and his persecution by military supervisors regarding his use of his right to free speech on a religious opinion issue of whether or not gay marriage is Biblical correct ?
His wife has stage 4 cancer and has been denied medical treatment due to the disciplinary action pending against HIM.
Okay, It is not all that uncommon in recent days to learn that the government is persecuting Americans who's opinions and exercise of free speech is contradictory to that of the Obama Administration, though it is outrageous.
BUT what outraged me even more than the persecution of this man was that the government has denied his dependent wife with stage 4 cancer medical treatment due to the pending disciplinary action against HIM! (yes I am repeating myself).
In a day where people go to jail for the mistreatment of animals, I am outraged, yes OUTRAGED that the U.S. Military or ANY branch of our U.S. Government would deny medical care to anyone - but even more so when the disciplinary action they use as the excuse for denial of care is a disciplinary action because he stated his personal beliefs in regard to gay marriage.
This IS a case of persecution based on religious beliefs.
It is a denial of his right to free speech.
It needs to be brought in to the public forum and those responsible need to be in jailed in my opinion for violating HIS and HER civil rights.
WHY would any disciplinary action or investigation of this man - even IF justified (which it is clearly NOT) affect the medical benefits of his wife - what about continuing care of someone with a pre-existing condition. AS you can probably tell I am outraged and I hope, I pray, that you are too!
IF someone was denying medical care that they had the ability to give to a animal we would send them to jail, they would be fined. The American public would be outraged.
I am asking every person, every where - regardless of your personal views on Gay Marriage - if you believe that each person should be able to decide for themselves what religious views they will follow - IF you believe that America should remain a land were we have the right to verbally express our opinions on religious and social issues - IF you believe it is inhumane to deny medical care to a woman based on her husbands exercise of his civil rights - please ACT.
ACT NOW - Write and Call.
Write your congressional representatives.
Write your senators.
Write your local newspaper editors.
Write the Obama Administration.
Please use all methods at your disposal - social media, telephone, email to bring this woman's refusal of medical care to the attention of the American Public and our U.S. Justice System.
One day, this could be You, or Me.
Thank you.
civil rights,
free speech,
medical care,
war on women
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Democrats See "Blacks" as "Useful Idiots"...Viral Video
So you're a Democrat?
Why are you a Democrat?
How much do you REALLY know about the HISTORY of the Democratic party and it's treatment of blacks and other minorities?
Watch this video - you might very well be surprised.
After you watch it - do some research - check out the facts for yourself.
AND when done, and you experience your 'epiphany' moment share this video with all your Democratic friends.
THANK YOU and have a blessed day.
Why are you a Democrat?
How much do you REALLY know about the HISTORY of the Democratic party and it's treatment of blacks and other minorities?
Watch this video - you might very well be surprised.
After you watch it - do some research - check out the facts for yourself.
AND when done, and you experience your 'epiphany' moment share this video with all your Democratic friends.
THANK YOU and have a blessed day.
Abraham Lincoln,
civil rights,
Democratic Party,
Martin Luther King Jr,
Political party's,
women rights
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
I received a email from The Huffington Post on the subject of the bill before the Texas legislature regarding abortion 'clinic's' in Texas. I am pasting their email first and below you will be able to read my response.
[quote] HUFF POST: Open Reporting A Message From HuffPost To Our Readers In Texas Wednesday, July 3, 2013 Hello from HuffPost Open Reporting - This is a one-time email to our readers in Texas. This week, state lawmakers fast-tracked a bill that could effectively close down most of the health clinics in Texas that provide abortions, making it harder for many people to access a wide range of health services. If you or someone you know would be affected by this bill, we'd like to hear from you. Would the bill have an impact on any clinics in your area? Do you currently have a hard time getting the health care you need? Send us a note at, or just reply to this email, and let us know how the bill could change things for you. Please let us know if you'd like to remain anonymous. We will never publish your name or any identifying details without your permission. Thanks for your help, The HuffPost Open Reporting team [/quote]
And now I will paste in my response to their email below:
[quote] TO the Editor of the Huffington Post. I completely support our elected officials in TEXAS and their efforts to safeguard the unborn babies who are murdered by the thousands at these abortion mills.
These are not healthcare clinics as you claim but nothing more than a place to kill the innocent babies.
Our elected officials in Texas realize this and if anyone needs protection, it is those who can not speak for themselves.
WHAT you don't say in your email is how that this new law, if made law, will raise the standards of healthcare and the qualifications of those providing abortions to better protect the LIFE of the MOTHER as well.
It does not eliminate abortion completely but requires the abortion providers to follow the LAWFUL guidelines on WHAT is and is NOT permissible.
Those who have lobbied in favor of abortion for so many years have always proclaimed it necessary in the case of rape, incest, and the life of the mother being in danger IF she carried to full term.
IN a day and age when we transplant hearts, lungs, faces, I seriously doubt there is any woman whose life would expire simply from the lack of an abortion due to medical reasons.
Anyone who proclaims so, is misleading the public and flat out lying .
You dare write people in Texas about this?
You have NO idea of what the people of Texas really think about your desire for a Carte Blanche when it comes to MURDER of unborn babies.
AND I don't care what is PC or not PC.
YES, they are babies.
LIFE begins at conception.
IF I were on a jury, and asked to decide on this case I would send to prison for their life those who abort babies.
SO do not write me asking me to politic for your death society.
I believe in the Sanctity of LIFE.
IF ANYONE was deserving of the death penalty it would be those who have murdered, raped, tortured and disfigured other human beings.
Yet, I bet when it comes to the death penalty for criminals, you're probably against that.
You want death for the innocents, and you want life for evil criminals.
What is wrong with THAT picture?
L. Lunsford [/quote]
IN closing, as you can see I am 100% PRO LIFE.
So in answer to their question - When I was pregnant as a teenager, I NEVER would have consider an abortion.
Because, no matter what I have done right or wrong in my life, the baby was innocent and deserved every chance at LIFE.
I am as opposed to abortion as water is the opposite of fire.
Want to write me again Huffington Post ?
[quote] HUFF POST: Open Reporting A Message From HuffPost To Our Readers In Texas Wednesday, July 3, 2013 Hello from HuffPost Open Reporting - This is a one-time email to our readers in Texas. This week, state lawmakers fast-tracked a bill that could effectively close down most of the health clinics in Texas that provide abortions, making it harder for many people to access a wide range of health services. If you or someone you know would be affected by this bill, we'd like to hear from you. Would the bill have an impact on any clinics in your area? Do you currently have a hard time getting the health care you need? Send us a note at, or just reply to this email, and let us know how the bill could change things for you. Please let us know if you'd like to remain anonymous. We will never publish your name or any identifying details without your permission. Thanks for your help, The HuffPost Open Reporting team [/quote]
And now I will paste in my response to their email below:
[quote] TO the Editor of the Huffington Post. I completely support our elected officials in TEXAS and their efforts to safeguard the unborn babies who are murdered by the thousands at these abortion mills.
These are not healthcare clinics as you claim but nothing more than a place to kill the innocent babies.
Our elected officials in Texas realize this and if anyone needs protection, it is those who can not speak for themselves.
WHAT you don't say in your email is how that this new law, if made law, will raise the standards of healthcare and the qualifications of those providing abortions to better protect the LIFE of the MOTHER as well.
It does not eliminate abortion completely but requires the abortion providers to follow the LAWFUL guidelines on WHAT is and is NOT permissible.
Those who have lobbied in favor of abortion for so many years have always proclaimed it necessary in the case of rape, incest, and the life of the mother being in danger IF she carried to full term.
IN a day and age when we transplant hearts, lungs, faces, I seriously doubt there is any woman whose life would expire simply from the lack of an abortion due to medical reasons.
Anyone who proclaims so, is misleading the public and flat out lying .
You dare write people in Texas about this?
You have NO idea of what the people of Texas really think about your desire for a Carte Blanche when it comes to MURDER of unborn babies.
AND I don't care what is PC or not PC.
YES, they are babies.
LIFE begins at conception.
IF I were on a jury, and asked to decide on this case I would send to prison for their life those who abort babies.
SO do not write me asking me to politic for your death society.
I believe in the Sanctity of LIFE.
IF ANYONE was deserving of the death penalty it would be those who have murdered, raped, tortured and disfigured other human beings.
Yet, I bet when it comes to the death penalty for criminals, you're probably against that.
You want death for the innocents, and you want life for evil criminals.
What is wrong with THAT picture?
L. Lunsford [/quote]
IN closing, as you can see I am 100% PRO LIFE.
So in answer to their question - When I was pregnant as a teenager, I NEVER would have consider an abortion.
Because, no matter what I have done right or wrong in my life, the baby was innocent and deserved every chance at LIFE.
I am as opposed to abortion as water is the opposite of fire.
Want to write me again Huffington Post ?
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
The DOJ and it's effort's on social engineering.
The above photo is my grandfather, he served in the Korean War. My father was in the Navy. My baby brother was a marine in Desert Storm. Another brother was in the Army. My nephew currently serves in the Army and I was in the Air Force. My stepfather a Marine is a world war 2 veteran and still living is now almost 88 years old. I have at least one known ancestor who served in the revolutionary war and a couple who were in the civil war.
I said all that to say this.
I come from a long line of people who care about this country, our rights and it's religious freedoms.
We care about free speech and ALL the civil liberties our constitution and it's bill of rights guarantee. That we should be able to enjoy them without worry that our own government will take those rights away from us.
In fact, the forefathers wanted to guarantee that IF the government officials in office ever got 'too big for their britches' that we ordinary common Americans would have the means and ability to over throw that same government - and take it back down a notch to where it belongs.
Thus they included a amendment that guaranteed the right of ALL citizens to bear arms so that they could have a well maintained militia. Now a militia is a citizen operated group of military persons that is not a government controlled ARMY.
So it should be very obvious to anyone with common sense that the intent in the constitution exists that no President, Vice President, Secretary of State or any other government official or agency should ever be able to circumvent the ability of the people to hold the civil rights guaranteed to them.
We do not create selective civil rights - the point of a civil right is that it applies to ALL of us. Regardless of age, or race, ethnicity or religious views.
Civil rights are not to take away or restrict but to prevent the government from taking away or restricting certain activities.
Recently someone from the DOJ (Department Of Justice) released a statement and I'll just quote it below
Killian and Moore will provide input on how civil rights can be violated by those who post inflammatory documents targeted at Muslims on social media.
“This is an educational effort with civil rights laws as they play into freedom of religion and exercising freedom of religion,” Killian told The News Monday. “This is also to inform the public what federal laws are in effect and what the consequences are.”
Killian said Internet postings that violate civil rights are subject to federal jurisdiction.
“That’s what everybody needs to understand,” he said.
For more on this see
My response to the article and link cited above is pasted below:
Lynna Lunsford says:
June 5, 2013 at 10:45 PM
"The DOJ representative who made this statement or released this publication obviously does not know the law.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment
of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
OBVIOUSLY – the ONLY way they could pursue criminal action against someone who criticized ISLAM would be to make ISLAM a state religion or make free speech a crime period.
IF you go the avenue of saying its against a particular religion or ethnic group then you are going to have a MASSIVE influx of lawsuits filed on behalf of Christians, Jews and every other religion.
ISLAM does not over ride the U.S. Constitution. It does not deserve special treatment and is legally subject to the laws of the United States of America just like every other religious group / organization or ethnic group.
SPEECH / or publicizing opinions, ideals for or against a religion or ethnic group is NOT a crime.
A crime is when you do physical harm to someone.
Hitting someone, assaulting someone is a crime.
However, Saying ‘I don’t like you’, is NOT a crime.
Saying ‘I don’t believe in your religion’ is not a crime.
Vandalizing a building is a crime.
Exploding a bomb is a crime.
Beheading a person is a crime.
So if you want to pursue criminals ‘DOJ’, look for the ones bombing and beheading people and leave ordinary citizens alone.
Okay, I'd like to share a few additional thoughts on this.
1. The Supreme court has the jurisdiction of deciding what IS and what is NOT constitutional.
NOT the Department Of Justice.
2. The department of justice can not legally start targeting people who make statements opposing or criticizing of a person or group who is engaging in illegal activity.
That would be the DOJ defending the criminal. (Last time I checked beheading people was still illegal in this country. Last time I checked bombing was still illegal in the United States and it's territories. )
Generally speaking the persons who have been perpetrating these bombings, be-headings, Anti - Christian graffiti, insults, and harassment have pretty much 100 % of the time identified themselves as being Islamic, or some branch of the Islamic / Muslim religion. ALSO they often state PUBLICALLY that we are infidels and the reason they are doing these things against non muslims is to destroy, get rid of, punish, or kill the 'infidel'.
Anyone who is not of the muslim faith by their own definitions is included as a infidel.
So while I realize that not every Muslim / Islamic person is running about streets with bombs and machete's beheading and blowing people up - the fact is that there are a good number of them that do, do those sorts of things and then publicize videos announcing that yes they did it and they will continue to do it to all non Islamic people or those who side with Israel.
If I say that the majority of people or groups who have attacked, killed, or mutilated Americans are Muslims we are not picking on the Muslims, we're making observations of facts and stating opinions.
How many times have you seen a Christian religious organization go on TV or internet claiming responsibility for some bombing or attack on a US embassy? How often are we seeing random citizens of non Islamic faith go out and grab some Muslims and behead them ?
But yet, we're not supposed to notice when a lot of the people claiming responsibility for the attacks on Americans, Christians, Jews and any non Muslim religion or faith claim that they are indeed Muslims ?
IF you are a MUSLIM, IF you consider yourself to be Islamic and you object to the actions of other's who identify themselves as Muslim / Islamic do then PLEASE speak up and say so.
Being silent is what makes it appear that you are in agreement with the hateful cruel and illegal actions of certain individuals towards Americans who are not islamic.
Again, it is not Christians making Islam look bad, it is Muslims behaving criminally that make the rest of the Muslim religion look bad. Our being silent, looking the other way or pretending otherwise just to spare your feelings doesn't help anyone. You as a Islamic person need to be as upset and angry about the extremist radical behavior of your Muslim brothers / sisters and do what you can to stop it.
If you are as they say not part of the solution, then yes, you are part of the problem.
Stop attacking the religious freedom, liberties of the people who have different religious views.
True religion is in the heart of the person - not outward appearance.
You can control the outward appearance of a person forcefully but you can never control their mind, thoughts, feelings.
So bottom line - If you're running to the government wanting them to spank the Christians or Jewish people because you don't like what they say about your religion, just remember one day the tables may be turned - and the government may turn on you.
To you government and political types I say this.
You need to take one serious look if you want to get in to a police state. Because you have a LOT of people in the United States of America who not only have fought in the past for the liberty's we hold dear in the USA. BUT many who are willing to stand up and fight today if it so be required.
This socialist agenda crapola that has been bandied about by our government and major media of late is going to come back and bite you all in the derriere.
Freedom of speech is guaranteed by our constitution and bill of rights.
Religious Liberty is also guaranteed by the same.
IF you start protecting ONE religion / faith and censoring or prosecuting people for speaking their mind against it what you have done is create a 'STATE RELIGION'.
And my friends, as we say in the south 'That dog ain't gonna hunt'.
You'd better back up, have yourself one of those line dance meetings at tax payers expense and agree to keep out of our religious liberties - before you find yourself in a small room with iron bars on the windows.
American Citizen
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment
of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
OBVIOUSLY – the ONLY way they could pursue criminal action against someone who criticized ISLAM would be to make ISLAM a state religion or make free speech a crime period.
IF you go the avenue of saying its against a particular religion or ethnic group then you are going to have a MASSIVE influx of lawsuits filed on behalf of Christians, Jews and every other religion.
ISLAM does not over ride the U.S. Constitution. It does not deserve special treatment and is legally subject to the laws of the United States of America just like every other religious group / organization or ethnic group.
SPEECH / or publicizing opinions, ideals for or against a religion or ethnic group is NOT a crime.
A crime is when you do physical harm to someone.
Hitting someone, assaulting someone is a crime.
However, Saying ‘I don’t like you’, is NOT a crime.
Saying ‘I don’t believe in your religion’ is not a crime.
Vandalizing a building is a crime.
Exploding a bomb is a crime.
Beheading a person is a crime.
So if you want to pursue criminals ‘DOJ’, look for the ones bombing and beheading people and leave ordinary citizens alone.
Okay, I'd like to share a few additional thoughts on this.
1. The Supreme court has the jurisdiction of deciding what IS and what is NOT constitutional.
NOT the Department Of Justice.
2. The department of justice can not legally start targeting people who make statements opposing or criticizing of a person or group who is engaging in illegal activity.
That would be the DOJ defending the criminal. (Last time I checked beheading people was still illegal in this country. Last time I checked bombing was still illegal in the United States and it's territories. )
Generally speaking the persons who have been perpetrating these bombings, be-headings, Anti - Christian graffiti, insults, and harassment have pretty much 100 % of the time identified themselves as being Islamic, or some branch of the Islamic / Muslim religion. ALSO they often state PUBLICALLY that we are infidels and the reason they are doing these things against non muslims is to destroy, get rid of, punish, or kill the 'infidel'.
Anyone who is not of the muslim faith by their own definitions is included as a infidel.
So while I realize that not every Muslim / Islamic person is running about streets with bombs and machete's beheading and blowing people up - the fact is that there are a good number of them that do, do those sorts of things and then publicize videos announcing that yes they did it and they will continue to do it to all non Islamic people or those who side with Israel.
If I say that the majority of people or groups who have attacked, killed, or mutilated Americans are Muslims we are not picking on the Muslims, we're making observations of facts and stating opinions.
How many times have you seen a Christian religious organization go on TV or internet claiming responsibility for some bombing or attack on a US embassy? How often are we seeing random citizens of non Islamic faith go out and grab some Muslims and behead them ?
But yet, we're not supposed to notice when a lot of the people claiming responsibility for the attacks on Americans, Christians, Jews and any non Muslim religion or faith claim that they are indeed Muslims ?
IF you are a MUSLIM, IF you consider yourself to be Islamic and you object to the actions of other's who identify themselves as Muslim / Islamic do then PLEASE speak up and say so.
Being silent is what makes it appear that you are in agreement with the hateful cruel and illegal actions of certain individuals towards Americans who are not islamic.
Again, it is not Christians making Islam look bad, it is Muslims behaving criminally that make the rest of the Muslim religion look bad. Our being silent, looking the other way or pretending otherwise just to spare your feelings doesn't help anyone. You as a Islamic person need to be as upset and angry about the extremist radical behavior of your Muslim brothers / sisters and do what you can to stop it.
If you are as they say not part of the solution, then yes, you are part of the problem.
Stop attacking the religious freedom, liberties of the people who have different religious views.
True religion is in the heart of the person - not outward appearance.
You can control the outward appearance of a person forcefully but you can never control their mind, thoughts, feelings.
So bottom line - If you're running to the government wanting them to spank the Christians or Jewish people because you don't like what they say about your religion, just remember one day the tables may be turned - and the government may turn on you.
To you government and political types I say this.
You need to take one serious look if you want to get in to a police state. Because you have a LOT of people in the United States of America who not only have fought in the past for the liberty's we hold dear in the USA. BUT many who are willing to stand up and fight today if it so be required.
This socialist agenda crapola that has been bandied about by our government and major media of late is going to come back and bite you all in the derriere.
Freedom of speech is guaranteed by our constitution and bill of rights.
Religious Liberty is also guaranteed by the same.
IF you start protecting ONE religion / faith and censoring or prosecuting people for speaking their mind against it what you have done is create a 'STATE RELIGION'.
And my friends, as we say in the south 'That dog ain't gonna hunt'.
You'd better back up, have yourself one of those line dance meetings at tax payers expense and agree to keep out of our religious liberties - before you find yourself in a small room with iron bars on the windows.
American Citizen
Monday, June 03, 2013
WikiTree - Free Geneology Web Site
Most genealogy sites charge for software and membership dues. However I found one that does not and is a very good site -
So if you have been wanting to research you family tree or join with other family members to share the information and photo's that you each have I recommend !
Sunday, June 02, 2013
Attack On Civil Rights?
Everyone is buzzing over civil rights.
Your rights, my rights, their rights.
What exactly are civil rights?
Well the dictionary at defines civil rights as follows.
The rights belonging to an individual by virtue of citizenship, especially the fundamental freedoms and privileges guaranteed by the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and by subsequent acts of Congress, including civil liberties, due process, equal protection of the laws, and freedom from discrimination."
adj. or civ·il-rights (sÄv'É™l-rÄ«ts')
- Of or relating to such rights or privileges: civil rights legislation.
- Of or relating to a political movement, especially during the 1950s and 1960s, devoted to securing equal opportunity and treatment for members of minority groups.
1. Civil rights are something that is guaranteed by CITIZENSHIP.
2. The U.S. Constitution & CONGRESS determines what is or is not a civil right.
Particularly when in the United States we are referring to certain rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitutions particularly Amendments 13 and 14 and other subsequent acts of CONGRESS (includes the bill of rights).
The president does not determine what civil rights consist of or to whom they are guaranteed. The Department Of Justice (DOJ) also is not the branch of government which determines what is or is not a civil right, or to whom it is guaranteed. So to declare a legal right to 'civil right's' one MUST believe in the legal validity of our constitution as a legal document which dictates what the government and it's agencies can or can not do, require or perform in regard to it's CITIZENS.
So what are our civil rights as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution?
Amendment 13 - No Slavery.
The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution outlaws slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. It was passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864, by the House on January 31, 1865, and adopted on December 6, 1865.Read more on the 13th Amendment at
Amendment 14 - No discrimination of citizenship status based on race.
The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. Its Citizenship Clause provides a broad definition of citizenship, overruling the Supreme Court's decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), which had held that people of African descent could not be citizens of the United States.[1] Read more on the 14th Amendment at
3. To be a citizen you can not be subject to any foreign power.
The 14th amendment consists of a citizenship clause“not subject to any foreign power”
Note: The Civil Rights Act of 1866 had already granted U.S. citizenship to all persons born in the United States "not subject to any foreign power."
4. Citizens are guaranteed 'due process' as a civil right.
It also consists of a due process clause Due Process Clause prohibits state and local governments from depriving persons of life, liberty, or property without certain steps being taken to ensure fairness. Take note certain government agencies like the IRS, DHS, DOJ have been under scrutiny lately for overstepping their authority and depriving citizens of 'due process' which is a violation of civil rights. Some have also been accused of targeting persons or groups based on their political belief's affiliation and or religion.
The recent scandals in the news about the IRS targeting individuals based on their religious and or political beliefs or associations is most certainly a violation of the 14th amendment due process clause. Recently articles have been published on the Internet and through various media that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has stated that making any statement on social media could be a violation of Civil Rights of those persons.
5. Citizenship once attained may be lost by only two methods.
1. Voluntary renouncing of one's citizenship.2. If it is proven that applicant committed fraud in the application for citizenship.
Loss of 14th-Amendment-based U.S. citizenship is possible only under the following circumstances:[23]
- Fraud in the naturalization process. Technically this is not loss of citizenship, but rather a voiding of the purported naturalization and a declaration that the immigrant never was a U.S. citizen.
- Voluntary relinquishment of citizenship. This may be accomplished either through renunciation procedures specially established by the State Department or through other actions (e.g., treason) which demonstrate an intention to give up U.S. citizenship.[24] Such an act of expatriation must be accompanied by an intent to terminate United States citizenship.[25]
Is it legal for the government or any of it's agencies to selectively promote or protect a religion above others while not giving all other religions the same equitable due process or protections? No.
Why ?
Because Amendment 1 states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The government can not make any law controlling the establishment of any religion.
The government can not make any law prohibiting free exercise of religion.
The government can not make any law prohibiting free speech
The government can not make any law prohibiting the press (to publish) news and or information.
The government can not make any law or to prohibit peaceful assembly of the people
The government can not make any law to stop the people from petitioning the government (complaining and seeking) a 'redress of grievances'.
So the department of justice (DOJ) is completely out of line when they state that it violates the civil rights of some persons for other persons to post items on the internet objecting, complaining or ridiculing that person's beliefs.
Those offended can 1. ignore the other person's opinions. or 2 Post their own opinions defending, explaining or accusing the other person or party. So long as their is not a physical attack on the persons actual body, or their real property to damage that then there is no criminal activity but instead it is the exercise of one's civil rights.
Read more about the bill of rights and U.S. Constitution at the following sites.
BILL OF RIGHTS - transcript
US Constitution
Cornell University of Law School
Some may say that recent articles published about possible prosecution of persons posting about the Muslim religion ( or Islam) could possibly be prosecuted as a violation of their civil rights. I disagree.
The only law that I believe might even come close to that would be the federal hate crime laws.
ABOUT Hate crime laws in the United States protect against hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) motivated by enmity or animus against a protected class. Although state laws vary, current statutes permit federal prosecution of hate crimes committed on the basis of a person's protected characteristics of race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)/FBI, as well as campus security authorities, are required to collect and publish hate crime statistics.
Before that would apply a CRIME has to be committed.
SPEECH or Publication of thoughts (press) online or otherwise is not a crime and is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
IF a actual crime is committed though such as a beheading, bombing or some other crime perpetrated upon a person or persons because of the victims religious views, race, gender, sexual orientation or political affiliation it would then be a HATE CRIME.
However, if this is so then in order not to violate the civil rights of other citizens this would have to be applied fairly and across the board to all persons regardless of race, gender, or religion. You can not selectively protect or persecute persons who criticize Islam or Muslims if you do not protect Christians or Jews or any group from criticism or slander in a equal manner.
Immigration Reform - Amnesty
My thoughts on Immigration, Amnesty & Border Security.
We are a nation of immigrants. Many of us have immigrated here from nations around the world to pursue a ideal, a way of life, a hope. Some of us have parent's or grandparents who immigrated here and some of us have been here awhile longer or may be descendant from the original inhabitants the native American Indians.
We can work together despite our differences and keep our ethnicity and culture but we must be able to compromise in order to live together in a peaceful society.
One can not come to the United States of America with the mentality that they will live here in the same exact way they did in their homeland. Especially, if they have come here from a intolerant society ruled by extremist or religious zealots.
In America religion is a personal belief and practice you can share with other's so long as you do so in a peaceful and reasonable manner. To talk and discuss reasonably, not to use intimidation or violence to force other's to agree to or live according to your views religious or other wise.
If you choose to come to America - the legal method can be daunting to apply properly, and wait for response and comply with necessary rules, regulations and laws.
I don't argue that immigration probably does need some reform - in that the process should be simplified on ways to apply LEGALLY.
Though I do believe that all immigrants should be fingerprinted, photographed (must have a legal identification) and a background check done to investigate if there is a criminal history. This should be part of the process which includes a legal valid ID for the purposes of employment, voting, banking, and anything else which requires proof of identification.
When one desires citizenship they must renounce their loyalty to other nations. They must not be in a position where they must choose what loyalty they have when or if a war would break out between the United States and their country of origin. Dual citizenship or fighting in any war against the United States of America should warrant an automatic revocation of citizenship rights and benefits and a investigation & prosecution same person for crimes against the United States of America.
This is a 'no brain-er' at least for most of us. Learning basic English should be required for the benefit of all concerned a common language is productive and less costly in regard to legal matters and daily life in the United States. Having a common language allows a person to feel more a part of the society rather than isolated in a ethnic community.
Am I in favor of amnesty for those who are already in the United States of America? No, I am not. Any nation when opening their doors to immigrants would be foolish to invite criminals or those who have already proven their disdain for that nations laws and the legal process.
Person's who respect the nations immigration laws and who make every attempt to provide the necessary documentation and complete required training or education should be given top priority.
Those who have show disdain and disrespect for the American Legal system by coming here in a illegal manner or overstaying visa's should be deported immediately without exception.
By comparison - Lie to a judge in a court of law once, that persons credibility is then no longer trusted in said court. IF we already know that certain persons will not obey American laws of immigration then how can anyone believe that the same person's would suddenly become law abiding citizens if they were given legal citizenship status? Their credibility has already been damaged.
So, no I am not in favor of amnesty. If you are here illegally, understand its a matter of honor and respect. IF you do not respect our laws nor have the honor to apply for legal status through or immigration system then you can not expect Americans to trust you to obey our other laws.
Monday, May 13, 2013
The Obama Legacy - SCANDALS
There is so much to say about the Obama administration scandals that it makes your head spin.
Gosnell (Eric Holders conflict of interest)
IRS abuse persecution harassment of conservatives, patriots and Christians
AP journalist phones / Justice Department > Eric Holder
DHS mass stockpiling ammunition
Attack on 2nd Amendment rights
Attack on 4th Amendment rights
The Obama administration is rocked repeatedly by scandal after scandal. They have continued to deny or refuse to admit the validity of these issues or deny any responsibility.
Democrats are getting nervous and fleeing what they believe to be a sinking ship.
When a two time Obama voter comes forward as whistle-blowers to testify about Benghazi - you have to KNOW that something is desperately wrong within the Obama administration. I can imagine that it was very difficult for a career diplomat and dedicated Democrat who voted twice for Obama to come forward and testify at the Benghazi hearings. It took courage. It takes a sincere desire for truth and justice to go against everything you believed previously and stand up for what's right.
Some democrats may never admit that President Obama has any culpability in regard to all these scandals but how can he not ? It is imperative that congress take disciplinary action immediately with full public accountability.
I realize President Obama has his own agenda, goals, purposes and desires. However no one is sure of his qualifications.
But that is NOT the purpose for which he was elected to congress. Regardless of the party he ran on his job is to represent ALL the people and He can not be seen to tolerate harassment or abuse of power towards anyone but particularly not the opposing party. For Obama to ignore these scandals and refuse to admit culpability of he or his staff reeks of partisanship, politics, and corruption.
Obama must realize that we do not want a King, we do not want a dictator and no Sir, we will NOT tolerate tyranny.
Forcing your agenda on us by intimidation, fraud, abuse of power, discrimination, and harassment has only served to anger the American public. Obama has yet to learn that you can not force your will on people - physically or mentally. You are not allowed to use government agencies to harass, persecute, or intimidate those who oppose you or your agenda.
Benjamin Franklin said
“A Man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.”
President Obama has yet to learn this lesson.
Forcing one's will on other's always results in resentment which leads to anger and angry people will eventually find one another and work together to solve the problem causing their anger.
President Obama's administration and it bungling of the Benghazi issue is one case in point.
There are many questions which the Obama administration has failed to answer.
We beg our congress to take oversight of these issues in the most serious and determined manner immediately and to prosecute all responsible to the fullest extent of the law.
Tuesday, May 07, 2013
Benghazi 2012 - 2013
A commentary and open letter to the Obama administration.
Finally, the major media is playing up the shocking truths about President Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Benghazi cover up. Yes, I said cover up and now even major media is acknowledging that there has been a coverup .What they are not admitting is they aided in this cover up . When I say 'shocking' I mean shocking to those who watch news sources like ABC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN who did minimal if any coverage when this event actually transpired. Fox News has covered Benghazi from the word go. I can't praise Fox News enough for their determined effort to seek out the truth - and share it with the American public.
So this news is not 'new' its just been swept under the rug, denied by the Obama administration and the public has indeed been fed spoon after spoon of lies by the Obama administration.
This is not a mistake in coverage - let there be no doubt in your mind there was a purpose in why the questions have been ignored over and over by the Obama administration and major news media other than FOX NEWS.
News coverage from around the world is now focusing on Benghazi but why did it take so long ?
Without controversy - there is no doubt the United States FBI, and the CIA can and do excellent investigative work. That is, when they have a administration that ALLOWS them to do their job properly. But what if talking points are altered, questions are ignored, witnesses are muzzled?
Even the Huffington Post which leans so far left they are endangered of falling over is now featuring news of Benghazi whistle blowers . One has to wonder what the 'golden boy' , yes Mr. President Obama has done, or not done to warrant this pull back of protection that he had covering him - by major media.
For the past four plus years anything negative that was done by this administration was denied and ignored by major media news commentators. Traditional & Christian values have been attacked, mocked and ridiculed relentlessly by these same news sources as to belittle or disparage those who questioned about these attacks on our embassy personnel and even Hillary Clinton was quoted to speak as though exasperated by the continued interest in Benghazi.
Yes, Hillary, the American people are tired of being treated as the proverbial mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed B*llSh*t).
What do we want? Very simple. We want the pure unadulterated truth. We want a accurate timeline and chain of command. We want to know exactly who knew what and when and ultimately who was responsible for the denial of assistance that was requested by our personnel who were station in Libya. We also want to know which officers where removed from their command related to the Benghazi terror attacks and their unwillingness to 'stand down' when commanded to do so.
We want to know who's bright idea it was to abandon our people and let them die.
And we want you to pay. We want everyone of you who were involved in a responsible role to charged and brought before a investigative committee with special prosecution. That the evidence and the witnesses not be hindered in being presented to the American public and our elected officials.
You could say that what we want is JUSTICE.
Any reader doesn't understand what Benghazi is about please review some the links I have shared below. You'll have a fairly good idea if you peruse the following - but bear in mind that the Huffington Posts own poll has shown that Fox News is America's most trusted source of news.
This I think will put a nail in the coffin of Hillary's 2016 presidential hopes.
CBS reports as follows;
And ABC now reports
And even in Chicago President Obama's home town
Yes Mr. President - The American people do care about how you conduct yourself when you represent this nation. We do care about honesty and we do care about the lives of those who volunteer their services to this great nation.
IF you do not feel the same then you should not be in the office of the President. You should have never ran for a second term but you did. You can't blame Benghazi on President Bush, this tragedy, this tragic fiasco of your administration will go down in your legacy as president as the worse cover up in history of the U.S. ( and certainly the worst in my lifetime).
We as a nation actually owe the Nixon administration and all those who lost their jobs because of Watergate a huge apology if we do not demand you and your administration be prosecuted to the maximum allowed by law.
Benghazi was not a bump in the road.
The deaths of those that day were not a bump in the road.
In comparison Mr. President, Watergate was a bump in the road.
This Sir is an unspeakable horror that those under your command were abandoned by their Commander in Chief, by their Secretary of State.
CS Monitor on Benghazi
Remember Mr. President - we have laws to protect whistle blowers. It does not speak well for you that there have been statements by the same that they were forbidden to speak out and threatened. Americans do not accept tactics of intimidation very well and now the truth comes out.
Video interview Chaffetz to take aim at Obama administration in regard to Benghazi.
I venture to say it is my sincere belief if the major media had covered the Obama administrations handling of Benghazi and the truth had been known about what the Obama administration was actually doing in Libya Mr. Obama would not have been re-elected as President.
World NEWS (NBC) is finally covering Benghazi
From Breitbart on CBS and Obama
There's a old saying - Where there is smoke there is fire. Well Mr. President - your house is on fire - and we're choking on the smoke.
In closing - THANK YOU FOX NEWS CHIEF for putting a muzzle on Geraldo.
It is a insult to the families of the deceased and injured and the American public that anyone should defend the Obama Administration Benghazi cover up. Thank you Fox News Chief for having integrity.
God bless.
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Shariah Law, The U.S. Constitution & Faith
I try to be considerate of other peoples beliefs, realizing that I don't have the 'corner on the market' of wisdom or truth. Every man's ways are right in his own eyes.
Knowing that, I proceed with caution.
On the subject of Shariah Law, and particularly as it relates to women, children, and those who do not wish to be or, are not Islamic; I would say that the establishment of Shariah Law in any civil court or any country as legal binding and punishable for not obeying is not only not a good idea, but does in fact deprive other citizens of the right to live their lives and practice their religious beliefs as they choose.
Having said all that, I would add that in the United States Of America the establishing of Shariah Law in any state, city, county, or in federal courts is a violation of the constitution of the United States Of America.
Specifically the First amendment The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights that prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances."
In the USA we are accustomed to attacks on public symbols of Christianity (which was the religion of the majority of our founding father's). But the politically correct police engage in fear-mongering toward anyone who speaks against any other religion (other than Christianity or Judaism) to the point that people fear of being accused of a hate crime or racism if they speak out the truth.
That truth being that the first amendment was not written and added to the constitution to prevent people in the USA from practicing public religion but to prevent the government being used to establish or force compliance with any one state approved religion or religions.
Therefore Shariah Law which is a prosecution and punishment 'arm' of the Islamic Faith, would be a violation of our first amendment rights.
This branch of Islam which promotes or requires compliance through Shariah Law is not a tolerant religion. They do not accept the right of people to choose a religion other than Islam. They do not accept the right of a person to decide for themselves on how they would dress in public. They do not accept the right of any adult human being to decide on their own if they would like to drink a alcoholic drink. They do not allow a person to decide for themselves if they will use birth control, and those whose interest in or participation in the 'gay lifestyle' should be particularly concerned as the punishment in Shariah Law for unrepentant and not ceasing homosexuality is death.
As a Christian, in religious views I do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle but I realize that God has given us all the freedom of choice to obey His word, or not and that I am not the one who will be anyone's judge on moral issues.
I am not throwing any stones, trust me.
But I do think it would be a grievous mistake with possible tragic results if the U.S.A, it's states, cities, districts and counties were to approve or in-act Shariah Law as a legal binding judicial arm in the USA capable of enforcing and decreeing punishment for not obeying the religious laws of Islam.
When you force other people to submit to the religious laws of any one religion or risk punishment including fines, beatings, mutilation and or death I would say that there is no way a person can read the first amendment and NOT agree that establishing Shariah law in the USA would be a violation of every Americans constitutional rights.
Not only a violation of constitutional rights but of their HUMAN rights as well.
One only has to take a look on YouTube to see countless cases of people being harassed and bullied because of the way that they dress, or the lifestyle they live by those who believe it is their duty to enforce 'Shariah' law in other communities world wide. Women whose testimonial value in court is only half of that of a man under Shariah Law. Seriously we have this mob mentality in 2013 where women are being abused, beaten, ostracized because a family member reports them for a violation of Shariah Law? Are we blind to what this would mean to the whole United States? The way you dress as you walk down the street passing by a mosque could suddenly get you attacked / bullied because someone deems your appearance as disrespectful or a violation of their religious beliefs.
Watch the videos and see for yourself. A picture is worth a thousand words.
This is not inflammatory - this is factual.
2 April 2013 2013 BREAKING NEWS - UK Sharia Law Muslim Patrol - End Time
AND there's more... all you need do is go to YouTube and type in Shariah Law 2013 and you will see the most recent videos of these incidents as they were video taped.
I think a person's relationship with God is between that person and God and the religious organizations and the government are out of their proper place when they start punishing people on basis of religious compliance or respect.
IF Islamist (or any religious peoples) want to worship in their own way that is between them and God but they should not be forcing their views on anyone else or punishing others for not believing the same as they do which then violates that human beings 'human rights.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Self Expression
In America we prize individuals who are entrepreneurs, risk takers, pioneers. We value ethic's, morality, compassion, and individualism. We love to express ourselves in words, art, and in our music. We believe in the right for every person to worship God in their own way, or not. That is between God and you.
Our government is prohibited from making a law forcing the people to believe in, follow or act upon the teachings of any one religion. It is forbidden by law to make any law to establish one religion that would be a 'state' religion and preferred over any other. We believe every man woman and child has the GOD given right to choose for themselves. These right's are restricted only when it infringes upon the right of someone else to live, breath, worship, or express themselves. This is called a civilization.
Civilized people respect each other's idea's. They may not agree, but they agree to disagree. Barbaric people do not. Barbarians in history believed in force. They believed in killing other's who did not agree with them, or who did not obey them. While I respect my fellow citizens rights to self expression - you must limit yourself expression if that would injure, harm, or infringe upon someone else. Killing someone because they dont agree with, like or believe in your religion or vision of God is barbaric.
God doesn't need you to kill for Him. That's ridiculous. The whole idea of God being a supernatural, all powerful 'Being' - indicates He has more power than we do and would clearly not need your or my help in disciplining anyone who didn't believe in Him or who insulted Him. To say you are killing someone for your God, or because they insulted your God, or your religion means that you really do not believe He is strong enough or all powerful enough to rule the universe - and take care of those things all by himself.
Making a law, that says you have the right to arrest, seize, punish or kill someone on the basis of them insulting you or your religion or your God just shows how pathetically weak and unGodly you think your God is.
My God can take care of Himself. He doesn't need me to go around killing people who insult Him. He's bigger than that. God believes in 'free will'. Allowing people to choose to live for Him, or not. He doesnt force us - and you should not try to force someone to believe your way. Respecting each other is essential in self expression. Worship God your way, but if you think you have to harm someone to worship God then that isn't Gods voice that you are following.
Self expression in America takes many forms and some forms are offensive to many people. That's why we as a whole vote, elect, and meet together to agree on rules of conduct which become the laws of our civilization.
Sometimes people come to the USA thinking they can force their views upon other Americans. They don't want you to speak against what they believe. They want to dictate to you what you can say or not say when it is in reference to something they like or believe. Dictate is the key word, dictators dictate.
Don't allow the U.S.A. to become ruled by dictators.
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