Wednesday, June 05, 2013

The DOJ and it's effort's on social engineering.

The above photo is my grandfather, he served in the Korean War. My father was in the Navy. My baby brother was a marine in Desert Storm. Another brother was in the Army. My nephew currently serves in the Army and I was in the Air Force. My stepfather a Marine is a world war 2 veteran and still living is now almost 88 years old. I have at least one known ancestor who served in the revolutionary war and a couple who were in the civil war.

I said all that to say this.

I come from a long line of people  who care about this country, our rights and it's religious freedoms.

We care about free speech and ALL the civil liberties our constitution and it's bill of rights guarantee. That we should be able to enjoy them without worry that our own government will take those rights away from us.

In fact, the forefathers wanted to guarantee that IF the government officials in office ever got 'too big for their britches' that we ordinary common Americans would have the means and ability to over throw that same government - and take it back down a notch to where it belongs.

Thus they included a amendment that guaranteed the right of ALL citizens to bear arms so that they could have a well maintained militia. Now a militia is a citizen operated group of military persons that is not a government controlled ARMY.

So it should be very obvious to anyone with common sense that the intent in the constitution exists that no President, Vice President, Secretary of State or any other government official or agency should ever be able to circumvent the ability of the people to hold the civil rights guaranteed to them.

 We do not create selective civil rights - the point of a civil right is that it applies to ALL of us. Regardless of age, or race, ethnicity or religious views.

 Civil rights are not to take away or restrict but to prevent the government from taking away or restricting certain activities.

Recently someone from the DOJ (Department Of Justice) released a statement and I'll just quote it below 
Killian and Moore will provide input on how civil rights can be violated by those who post inflammatory documents targeted at Muslims on social media.
“This is an educational effort with civil rights laws as they play into freedom of religion and exercising freedom of religion,” Killian told The News Monday. “This is also to inform the public what federal laws are in effect and what the consequences are.”
Killian said Internet postings that violate civil rights are subject to federal jurisdiction.
“That’s what everybody needs to understand,” he said.

For more on this see

My response to the article and link cited above is pasted below:

Lynna Lunsford says:
"The DOJ representative who made this statement or released this publication obviously does not know the law.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment
of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

OBVIOUSLY – the ONLY way they could pursue criminal action against someone who criticized ISLAM would be to make ISLAM a state religion or make free speech a crime period.

IF you go the avenue of saying its against a particular religion or ethnic group then you are going to have a MASSIVE influx of lawsuits filed on behalf of Christians, Jews and every other religion.

ISLAM does not over ride the U.S. Constitution. It does not deserve special treatment and is legally subject to the laws of the United States of America just like every other religious group / organization or ethnic group.

SPEECH / or publicizing opinions, ideals for or against a religion or ethnic group is NOT a crime.

A crime is when you do physical harm to someone.

Hitting someone, assaulting someone is a crime.

However, Saying ‘I don’t like you’, is NOT a crime.

Saying ‘I don’t believe in your religion’ is not a crime.

Vandalizing a building is a crime.

Exploding a bomb is a crime.

Beheading a person is a crime.

So if you want to pursue criminals ‘DOJ’, look for the ones bombing and beheading people and leave ordinary citizens alone.

Okay, I'd like to share a few additional thoughts on this. 

1. The Supreme court has the jurisdiction of deciding what IS and what is NOT constitutional. 
NOT the Department Of Justice. 

2. The department of justice can not legally start targeting people who make statements opposing or criticizing of a person or group who is engaging in illegal activity. 

That would be the DOJ defending the criminal. (Last time I checked beheading people was still illegal in this country. Last time I checked bombing was still illegal in the United States and it's territories. )

Generally speaking the persons who have been perpetrating these bombings, be-headings, Anti - Christian graffiti, insults, and harassment have pretty much 100 % of the time identified themselves as being Islamic, or some branch of the Islamic / Muslim religion. ALSO they often state PUBLICALLY that we are infidels and the reason they are doing these things against non muslims is to destroy, get rid of, punish, or kill the 'infidel'.
Anyone who is not of the muslim faith by their own definitions is included as a infidel.

So while I realize that not every Muslim / Islamic person is running about streets with bombs and machete's beheading and blowing people up - the fact is that there are a good number of them that do, do those sorts of things and then publicize videos announcing that yes they did it and they will continue to do it to all non Islamic people or those who side with Israel.

If I say that the majority of people or groups who have attacked, killed, or mutilated Americans are Muslims we are not picking on the Muslims, we're making observations of facts and stating opinions. 
How many times have you seen a Christian religious organization go on TV or internet claiming responsibility for some bombing or attack on a US embassy? How often are we seeing random citizens of non Islamic faith go out and grab some Muslims and behead them ? 

But yet, we're not supposed to notice when a lot of the people claiming responsibility for the attacks on Americans, Christians, Jews and any non Muslim religion or faith claim that they are indeed Muslims ?

IF you are a MUSLIM, IF you consider yourself to be Islamic and you object to the actions of other's who identify themselves as Muslim / Islamic do then PLEASE speak up and say so. 

Being silent is what makes it appear that you are in agreement with the hateful cruel and illegal actions of certain individuals towards Americans who are not islamic. 

Again, it is not Christians making Islam look bad, it is Muslims behaving criminally that make the rest of the Muslim religion look bad. Our being silent, looking the other way or pretending otherwise just to spare your feelings doesn't help anyone. You as a Islamic person need to be as upset and angry about the extremist radical behavior of your Muslim brothers / sisters and do what you can to stop it.

If you are as they say not part of the solution, then yes, you are part of the problem.

Stop attacking the religious freedom, liberties of the people who have different religious views. 

True religion is in the heart of the person - not outward appearance. 

You can control the outward appearance of a person forcefully but you can never control their mind, thoughts, feelings. 

So bottom line - If you're running to the government wanting them to spank the Christians or Jewish people because you don't like what they say about your religion, just remember one day the tables may be turned - and the government may turn on you.

To you government and political types I say this.
You need to take one serious look if you want to get in to a police state. Because you have a LOT of people in the United States of America who not only have fought in the past for the liberty's we hold dear in the USA. BUT many who are willing to stand up and fight today if it so be required.
This socialist agenda crapola that has been bandied about by our government and major media of late is going to come back and bite you all in the derriere.

Freedom of speech is guaranteed by our constitution and bill of rights.
Religious Liberty is also guaranteed by the same.
IF you start protecting ONE religion / faith and censoring or prosecuting people for speaking their mind against it what you have done is create a 'STATE RELIGION'.

And my friends, as we say in the south 'That dog ain't gonna hunt'.

You'd better back up, have yourself one of those line dance meetings at tax payers expense and agree to keep out of our religious liberties - before you find yourself in a small room with iron bars on the windows.

American Citizen

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