Monday, March 18, 2013

Self Expression

In America we prize individuals who are entrepreneurs, risk takers, pioneers. We value ethic's, morality, compassion, and individualism. We love to express ourselves in words, art, and in our music. We believe in the right for every person to worship God in their own way, or not. That is between God and you.

Our government is prohibited from making a law forcing the people to believe in, follow or act upon the teachings of any one religion. It is forbidden by law to make any law to establish one religion that would be a 'state' religion and preferred over any other. We believe every man woman and child has the GOD given right to choose for themselves. These right's are restricted only when it infringes upon the right of someone else to live, breath, worship, or express themselves.   This is called a civilization.

Civilized people respect each other's idea's. They may not agree, but they agree to disagree. Barbaric people do not. Barbarians in history believed in force. They believed in killing other's who did not agree with them, or who did not obey them. While I respect my fellow citizens rights to self expression - you must limit yourself expression if that would injure, harm, or infringe upon someone else. Killing someone because they dont agree with, like or believe in your religion or vision of God is barbaric.

God doesn't need you to kill for Him. That's ridiculous. The whole idea of God being a supernatural, all powerful 'Being' - indicates He has more power than we do and would clearly not need your or my help in disciplining anyone who didn't believe  in Him or who insulted Him. To say you are killing someone for your God, or because they insulted your God, or your religion means that you really do not believe He is strong enough or all powerful enough to rule the universe - and take care of those things all by himself.

Making a law, that says you have the right to arrest, seize, punish or kill someone on the basis of them insulting you or your religion or your God just shows how pathetically weak and unGodly you think your God is.

My God can take care of Himself. He doesn't need me to go around killing people who insult Him. He's bigger than that. God believes in 'free will'. Allowing people to choose to live for Him, or not. He doesnt force us - and you should not try to force someone to believe your way. Respecting each other is essential in self expression. Worship God your way, but if you think you have to harm someone to worship God then that isn't Gods voice that you are following.

Self expression in America takes many forms and some forms are offensive to many people. That's why we as a whole vote, elect, and meet together to agree on rules of conduct which become the laws of our civilization.

Sometimes people come to the USA thinking they can force their views upon other Americans. They don't want you to speak against what they believe. They want to dictate to you what you can say or not say when it is in reference to something they like or believe. Dictate is the key word, dictators dictate.

Don't allow the U.S.A. to become ruled by dictators.

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