Thursday, April 24, 2014

Vista's Angry Aortic Aneurysm | Medical Expenses -

Twitter-verse Outpouring Of Support For Uninsured Single Mom Facing Open Heart Surgery

She is a nurse by profession working in a nursing home in east Texas. Her life is devoted to caring for others. She cares for others at work, and in her private life is a single mom caring for her three children.Vista Santos is hard working, god fearing  woman who loves her children and lives to take care of them and see them grow. IF being a single mom was not tough enough, last week Vista learned she has a life threatening condition that requires immediate surgery. Vista has a aneurism on the aorta of her heart which can be repaired through open heart surgery. Just one catch though, Vista Santos does not have insurance. 

Vista is the mother of three children Dalton Santos, Wyatt Santos, and Gracie Santos. Dalton is a linebacker for Texas Longhorns and recently made a heartfelt plea on Twitter to the public for help with the funds needed for his moms surgery. The response has been amazing and can be read about in the article by the Dallas News below.

The donation page for Vista Santos Surgical Medical Expenses can be found in the link below.

Vista's Angry Aortic Aneurysm | Medical Expenses -

Many thanks to all who have donated and sent up prayer's on Vista Santos behalf.

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