Wednesday, July 03, 2013


I received a email from The Huffington Post on the subject of the bill before the Texas legislature regarding abortion 'clinic's' in Texas. I am pasting their email first and below you will be able to read my response.

 [quote] HUFF POST: Open Reporting A Message From HuffPost To Our Readers In Texas Wednesday, July 3, 2013 Hello from HuffPost Open Reporting - This is a one-time email to our readers in Texas. This week, state lawmakers fast-tracked a bill that could effectively close down most of the health clinics in Texas that provide abortions, making it harder for many people to access a wide range of health services. If you or someone you know would be affected by this bill, we'd like to hear from you. Would the bill have an impact on any clinics in your area? Do you currently have a hard time getting the health care you need? Send us a note at, or just reply to this email, and let us know how the bill could change things for you. Please let us know if you'd like to remain anonymous. We will never publish your name or any identifying details without your permission. Thanks for your help, The HuffPost Open Reporting team [/quote]

 And now I will paste in my response to their email below:

 [quote] TO the Editor of the Huffington Post. I completely support our elected officials in TEXAS and their efforts to safeguard the unborn babies who are murdered by the thousands at these abortion mills.

 These are not healthcare clinics as you claim but nothing more than a place to kill the innocent babies.

 Our elected officials in Texas realize this and if anyone needs protection, it is those who can not speak for themselves.

 WHAT you don't say in your email is how that this new law, if made law, will raise the standards of healthcare and the qualifications of those providing abortions to better protect the LIFE of the MOTHER as well.

 It does not eliminate abortion completely but requires the abortion providers to follow the LAWFUL guidelines on WHAT is and is NOT permissible.

 Those who have lobbied in favor of abortion for so many years have always proclaimed it necessary in the case of rape, incest, and the life of the mother being in danger IF she carried to full term.

 IN a day and age when we transplant hearts, lungs, faces, I seriously doubt there is any woman whose life would expire simply from the lack of an abortion due to medical reasons.

 Anyone who proclaims so, is misleading the public and flat out lying .

 You dare write people in Texas about this?

 You have NO idea of what the people of Texas really think about your desire for a Carte Blanche when it comes to MURDER of unborn babies.

 AND I don't care what is PC or not PC.

 YES, they are babies.

 LIFE begins at conception.


 IF I were on a jury, and asked to decide on this case I would send to prison for their life those who abort babies.

 SO do not write me asking me to politic for your death society.

 I believe in the Sanctity of LIFE.

 IF ANYONE was deserving of the death penalty it would be those who have murdered, raped, tortured and disfigured other human beings.

 Yet, I bet when it comes to the death penalty for criminals, you're probably against that.


You want death for the innocents, and you want life for evil criminals.

 What is wrong with THAT picture?

L. Lunsford [/quote]

 IN closing, as you can see I am 100% PRO LIFE.

 So in answer to their question - When I was pregnant as a teenager, I NEVER would have consider an abortion.


 Because, no matter what I have done right or wrong in my life, the baby was innocent and deserved every chance at LIFE.

 I am as opposed to abortion as water is the opposite of fire.

 Want to write me again Huffington Post ?

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