Thursday, June 19, 2014

Sen. Cruz: I Have More Faith in the Bill of Rights Than I Do Any Elected...

Senators What do you THINK you are up to?

 No! No! No!

Leave our free speech alone. 
Leave our religious freedoms alone.

WHY on earth would you think you need to change amend the Bill of Rights?

AS a citizen of the United States OF America I am telling you when it comes to changing our constitution I say NO. When it comes to amending the First Amendment I say NO. When it comes to changing or repealing any amendment that protects rights of the citizens of the United States I say NO.

Do not tamper with the first amendment.

Senators you are being watched.

Senators you are being cautioned to preserve the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights and leave it as it is.

IS this a way to muzzle citizens, to take away our rights ?

I don't care how much lobbyist or special interest groups have paid you this is going to be a GRIEVOUS error if you go through with this repeal, rewording or amendment of the FIRST AMENDMENT.

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