Saturday, April 23, 2016

I exalt Thee - Phil Driscoll

Apostle John Arcovio- Mentoring Call- "Women in Ministry"

Rev Lee Stoneking - Prayer and Fasting

Pastor Anthony Mangun ~ Fasting ~ FULL MESSAGE

Why Do Christians Have Trials? Anthony Mangun

09 09 12 - SUN PM - Greater Morning Star - Joel Urshan - The Unclean Pro...

Vesta Mangun

My Personal Testimony | A.D. Urshan

The Proper Names of God | A.D. Urshan (7th message)

God's Personal Property | A.D. Urshan

A D Urshan

Vonnie Lopez - Your Steps are Ordered by the Lord

Let Your Anointing Fall on Me

Sis. Vonnie Lopez Sings Alpha & Omega- Apostolic Tabernacle

Monday, April 18, 2016

500 Songs on The Blood of Jesus

Senator Mike Lee Endorse Ted Curz & Encourage Marco Rubio to Get Behind ...

Marco Rubio Florida Concession Speech. Rubio Suspends Campaign

LevinTV: Marco Rubio supports Ted Cruz

Why Evangelical Christians Should Have a Problem with Donald Trump

Max Lucado Warns Evangelical Christians about Donald Trump

Jesus Saves? Trump Doesn’t Think So.

Just When You Thought You'd Seen Ted Cruz's Best Speech Ever

The Truth on Ted Cruz's and Marco Rubio's Records on Immigration

When I Lay My Isaac Down

I'm One Of Them

I Came On Business For The King

Nothing Can Hold Me Here

If It Had Not Been

This Blood