Thursday, March 31, 2016

Who or What is the Holy Spirit? New gods - Nader Mansour


Oneness 101: Trinity Who?

Pagan Roots of the Trinity and Triune God - Nader Mansour

Pagan Roots of the Trinity and Triune God - Nader Mansour

"The Early Church was Absolutely, Unequivocally NOT Trinitarian" - Ken R...

"The Ancient Roots Of Baptism in Jesus' Name" - Ken Raggio

Cathedrals. Scott and Roger. Keep On The Firing Line. 1999. Faithful.

Cathedrals - Keep on the Firing Line / Army of the Lord

When I Speak Your Name - Kari Jobe - worship video with lyrics

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Walk in the light- Third Exodus sis kim and maria

I'm Forever Grateful - Sis Maria Bramble & Saints

TEA- Zimbabwe Specials- One Love

Third Exodus Assembly- Down at the alter- Kim Allert

Still Tied To My Absolute - Kim Alert, Third Exodus Assembly

Third Exodus Assembly:"To God Be The Glory" Sis.Grace & Meda Ellis

Victory and Glory - Third Exodus Assembly

I FEEL THE PULL - Sis. Grace & Meda Ellis Cape Town, SA

Victory and Glory

I Want More- Grace & Meda Ellis

My Heart Says Amen- Sis. Grace Ellis and Sisters

A Widow With Nothing - Sis Grace & Meda Ellis