Monday, May 13, 2013

The Obama Legacy - SCANDALS

There is so much to say about the Obama administration scandals that it makes your head spin.

Gosnell (Eric Holders conflict of interest)
IRS abuse persecution harassment of conservatives, patriots and Christians
AP journalist phones / Justice Department > Eric Holder
DHS mass stockpiling ammunition
Attack on 2nd Amendment rights
Attack on 4th Amendment rights

The Obama administration is rocked repeatedly by scandal after scandal. They have continued to deny or refuse to admit the validity of these issues or deny any responsibility.

Democrats are getting nervous and fleeing what they believe to be a sinking ship.
When a two time Obama voter comes forward as whistle-blowers to testify about Benghazi - you have to KNOW that something is desperately wrong within the Obama administration. I can imagine that it was very difficult for a career diplomat and dedicated Democrat who voted twice for Obama to come forward and testify at the Benghazi hearings. It took courage. It takes a sincere desire for truth and justice to go against everything you believed previously and stand up for what's right.

Some democrats may never admit that President Obama has any culpability in regard to all these scandals but how can he not ? It is imperative that congress take disciplinary action immediately with full public accountability.

I realize President Obama has his own agenda, goals, purposes and desires. However no one is sure of his qualifications.

But that is NOT the purpose for which he was elected to congress. Regardless of the party he ran on his job is to represent ALL the people and He can not be seen to tolerate harassment or abuse of power towards anyone but particularly not the opposing party. For Obama to ignore these scandals and refuse to admit culpability of he or his staff reeks of partisanship, politics, and corruption.

 Obama must realize that we do not want a King, we do not want a dictator and no Sir, we will NOT tolerate tyranny.

Forcing your agenda on us by intimidation, fraud, abuse of power, discrimination, and harassment has only served to anger the American public. Obama has yet to learn that you can not force your will on people - physically or mentally. You are not allowed to use government agencies to harass, persecute, or intimidate those who oppose you or your agenda.

Benjamin Franklin said

“A Man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.” 

President Obama has yet to learn this lesson.

 Forcing one's will on other's always results in resentment which leads to anger and angry people will eventually find one another and work together to solve the problem causing their anger.

 President Obama's administration and it bungling of the Benghazi issue is one case in point.

There are many questions which the Obama administration has failed to answer

We beg our congress to take oversight of these issues in the most serious and determined manner immediately and to prosecute all responsible to the fullest extent of the law. 


Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Benghazi 2012 - 2013

A commentary and open letter to the Obama administration.

Finally, the major media is playing up the shocking truths about President Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Benghazi cover up. Yes, I said cover up and now even major media is acknowledging that there has been a coverup .What they are not admitting is they aided in this cover up . When I say 'shocking' I mean shocking to those who watch news sources like ABC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN who did minimal if any coverage when this event actually transpired. Fox News has covered Benghazi from the word go. I can't praise Fox News enough for their determined effort to seek out the truth - and share it with the American public.

I must give Kudo's to Fox News as they have had very good coverage from the beginning and please note the date it was posted as of October 26, 2012. Yes, before the elections.

So this news is not 'new' its just been swept under the rug, denied by the Obama administration and the public has indeed been fed spoon after spoon of lies by the Obama administration.

This is not a mistake in coverage - let there be no doubt in your mind there was a purpose in why the questions have been ignored over and over by the Obama administration and major news media other than FOX NEWS.

News coverage from around the world is now focusing on Benghazi but why did it take so long ?

Without controversy - there is no doubt the United States FBI, and the CIA can and do excellent investigative work. That is, when they have a administration that ALLOWS them to do their job properly. But what if talking points are altered, questions are ignored, witnesses are muzzled?

Even the Huffington Post which leans so far left they are endangered of falling over is now featuring news of Benghazi whistle blowers . One has to wonder what the 'golden boy' , yes Mr. President Obama has done, or not done to warrant this pull back of protection that he had covering him - by major media.

For the past four plus years anything negative that was done by this administration was denied and ignored by major media news commentators. Traditional & Christian values have been attacked, mocked and ridiculed relentlessly by these same news sources as to belittle or disparage those who questioned about these attacks on our embassy personnel and even Hillary Clinton was quoted to speak as though exasperated by the continued interest in Benghazi.

Yes, Hillary, the American people are tired of being treated as the proverbial mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed B*llSh*t).

What do we want? Very simple. We want the pure unadulterated truth. We want a accurate timeline and chain of command. We want to know exactly who knew what and when and ultimately who was responsible for the denial of assistance that was requested by our personnel who were station in Libya. We also want to know which officers where removed from their command related to the Benghazi terror attacks and their unwillingness to 'stand down' when commanded to do so.

We want to know who's bright idea it was to abandon our people and let them die.

And we want you to pay. We want everyone of you who were involved in a responsible role to charged and brought before a investigative committee with special prosecution. That the evidence and the witnesses not be hindered in being presented to the American public and our elected officials.
You could say that what we want is JUSTICE.

Any reader doesn't understand what Benghazi is about please review some the links I have shared below. You'll have a fairly good idea if you peruse the following - but bear in mind that the Huffington Posts own poll has shown that Fox News is America's most trusted source of news.

 This I think will put a nail in the coffin of Hillary's 2016 presidential hopes.
CBS reports as follows;

And ABC now reports

And even in Chicago President Obama's home town

Yes Mr. President - The American people do care about how you conduct yourself when you represent this nation. We do care about honesty and we do care about the lives of those who volunteer their services to this great nation.

IF you do not feel the same then you should not be in the office of the President. You should have never ran for a second term but you did. You can't blame Benghazi on President Bush, this tragedy, this tragic fiasco of your administration will go down in your legacy as president as the worse cover up in history of the U.S. ( and certainly the worst in my lifetime).

We as a nation actually owe the Nixon administration and all those who lost their jobs because of Watergate a huge apology if we do not demand you and your administration be prosecuted to the maximum allowed by law.

Benghazi was not a bump in the road.

The deaths of those that day were not a bump in the road.

In comparison Mr. President, Watergate was a bump in the road.

This Sir is an unspeakable horror that those under your command were abandoned by their Commander in Chief, by their Secretary of State.

CS Monitor on Benghazi

Remember Mr. President - we have laws to protect whistle blowers. It does not speak well for you that there have been statements by the same that they were forbidden to speak out and threatened. Americans do not accept tactics of intimidation very well and now the truth comes out.

Video interview Chaffetz to take aim at Obama administration in regard to Benghazi.

I venture to say it is my sincere belief if the major media had covered the Obama administrations handling of Benghazi and the truth had been known about what the Obama administration was actually doing in Libya Mr. Obama would not have been re-elected as President.

World NEWS (NBC) is finally covering Benghazi

From Breitbart  on CBS and Obama

There's a old saying - Where there is smoke there is fire. Well Mr. President - your house is on fire - and we're choking on the smoke.
 In closing - THANK YOU FOX NEWS CHIEF for putting a muzzle on Geraldo.

It is a insult to the families of the deceased and injured and the American public that anyone should defend the Obama Administration Benghazi cover up. Thank you Fox News Chief for having integrity.
God bless.