Friday, May 23, 2014

Jimmy Buffett Reading of the Names #NROTN

Heartbreaking stories out of the Veterans Affairs scandal! (+playlist)

Tim McGraw If You're Reading This

Memorial Day - Special

This is Memorial Day weekend . 

I'm a patriotic person and I respect and honor those who have died in combat and veterans who have passed away. 

I hope you will join with me in being thankful and honoring God that we live in a nation where we are able to have the liberty's and freedoms we share. 

While I realize much is abused, still all in all it's the greatest nation on earth and I'm glad I was born in the USA.

A heartfelt thanks to the family of those who served and those who died in service to our nation for our safety and our freedom. May God bless the U.S.A. 


Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

Memorial Day Tribute