Thursday, November 15, 2012

On Politics - The Liberal Bias

It's no secret that I supported Romney - Ryan in this election. It's no secret I strongly disapprove of President Obama's job performance the past term and that I think he is making bad decisions in regard to the way he leads this country economically and also in regard to our international policies and United Nations involvement.
If that bother's any of my friends, you can and probably should ...
remove yourself from my friend list. I am tired of people implying I am racist. My kids and I attended a mixed race church while they were growing up and the Latino and Black families children spent the night in my home with my kids very often and vice versa.

The way I look at race is there is only one God who created the human race and we are all God's 'children'. I do not discriminate based on anyone's race.

I do discriminate on the basis of behavior. There are some activities and behaviors I don't like, may not approve of or wont accept. Lying, Theft, bigotry, prejudice to name a few.

I may tolerate some people's behavior but that does not necessarily mean I agree with it, or believe that it is correct. I reserve the right to be of my own opinion in my own mind and I'm not going to be censored, reprimanded, or abused verbally by people who THINK that anyone who doesn't agree with them is beneath them socially or intellectually.

If there is any class of people in the United States today that I have seen more instances of rude, crass, or hate it is from those claiming to be liberal. If you disagree with them they immediately resort to name calling and belittling the other person. In most cases if you question anyone's qualifications for a job based on education, experience or job performance they will accuse you of being 'racist'.

Well let me say for the record not every white person is a genius and neither is every black. There are people of low intelligence in every race, class and culture. If you question the validity of my statement look at the rich and wealthy in America who are constantly in the headlines because of the incredibly stupid things they have done. Success monetarily does not equate intelligence and even the most intelligent MENSA member does not always have 'common sense'.

Look at the actions of General Petraeus if you want a example. Very intelligent, disciplined, smart. If anyone would be able to exercise SELF CONTROL, you would think it would be him. However as it is written, 'when you think you stand, take heed lest ye fall. "

On Justice, Affirmative Action & Honor

The race card. I think from now on I'm going to start playing the race card too.

In my bloodline back through my parents on both sides of the family tree we have American Indian's, also somewhere along the line (mom can correct me if I'm wrong, I believe was had some Chinese). To look at me, you'd just say I was Caucasian, because my skin appearance took after the German, Irish, and Scottish rel...

I always thought I was just American, and what race I was really didn't matter. I never tried to use 'affirmative' action in order to get a job. Though in many respects I was considered a minority since I was a female, veteran, and worked most of my life in the industrial construction business which is predominantly a male work force.

To think I actually believed that I should do equal work for equal pay to that of any man on the same job with the same job title.

BUT I do remember the day when I worked for 6 months on the Brown & Root construction site near Wilmington, CA and they hired a Latino man in at the same job title for a dollar more per hour than what I was getting. He did not speak English and someone had to translate everything to him in order to give him instructions about what they wanted him to do. Myself, I would work without supervision on any project they gave me until my job was finished.

Now, I'm not saying this because he was Latino, Spanish speaking. BUT I did not think it was fair that they were paying him more money per hour (same job title) Third class helper in electrical department. When I had been there longer, had never been late, had not missed a day's work. And had received a recommendation from my supervisor to the project manager for a raise. Do you think they raised my pay to equal his ? NO.

Affirmative action can cause reverse discrimination in the work force. That's because affirmative action I assume placed that man higher on the list than a 'white' female non war era veteran. In order for me to get a increase in pay I had to stay after work and take additional job training classes on my own time (not paid) and IF and when I finally finished the course if I graduated I would get a fifty cent a hour raise.

I'm not whining, I don't ask for pity. BUT really a man should not get paid more money than a woman for the exact same job if she has seniority and his performing the duties equally or better than the man. Once on another Brown & Root job one of the men told m I should go home because I was taking a 'mans' job by being there. Which I responded to by saying "I will be happy to go home if you want to pay all my bills, and medical care as I have children at home and am not getting any child support to help raise them".

He didn't say a word to me after that but It hurt me that people say things that are harsh, hateful and mean spirited when they really don't know the other person's story.

There's a old adage - Supposed to be a saying among the Indians to not judge someone till you'd walked a mile in their moccasin's.

Bottom line it's really easy to stand in judgment of people - even people that you think you know. So many people are clamoring for attention these days that no one pays much attention to those who sit quietly back and nurse their wounds but you know the old saying "still waters run deep ".

After watching the news recently and seeing that lady in Florida trying to get preferred service / treatment because of her 'honorary' title of Honorary consul general ? I mean who makes this garbage up ?? AND what idiot, and yes I said idiot would give a woman like that, THAT title? Socialite? Sounds more like she was running a little happy hooker party service (IMHO) but then I shouldn't judge right ?

I guess I'm just upset - that a few minutes ago, our veterans - wounded veterans on a flatbed trailer truck where hit by a train. People who deserved better. People who were honorable and served, not just air heads floating around a title of 'honorable'. Many of them died. Many other's are in emergency receiving treatment. Life is not fair. The good die young. And morons, clamoring for free birth control, abortions, and free cell phones continue marching on.

BUT I KNOW that one day, all this will be weighed in the balance and God shall judge each person for the deeds that they did in their body. We will each of us have to account for every word or deed and on that day, finally JUSTICE will be done.